
Archive - November 2017

Eat Until You Feel Full

One question I always get asked is, “How much do you get to eat?”  People make the assumption that we hardly eat anything, which is not true.  When you follow a Paleo diet, you eat until you feel full.  If you follow the recipes, you’ll learn the foods that help make substantial meals that make and keep you satisfied.  You will feel fuller longer.

Another thing with Paleo, you have to keep an open mind.  There’s a lot of new foods that are going to be introduced to you, with the exception of a few – I enjoy them all.  Although, I’m not a big fish person.  You’ll be eating real foods that aren’t processed, your body will thank you.

Just a little tip, become friends with a lot of spices – they are your best friends.  You can make amazing tasting meals with different combinations of spices.  Best part, they are all Paleo approved!

“I spend a lot of time holding the refrigerator door open looking for the answers.”

Paleo Expectations

You will notice substantial changes in your overall health and well-being.  You will have sustainable weight loss, increased energy, and little to no digestive issues.  There hasn’t been much scientific evidence supporting this, but the proof is in the (Paleo) pudding.

Once you replace the processed foods with whole, clean food, you’ll see the weight come off and you will eventually achieve your body’s optimal health level.  You will experience overall improvements with blood pressure, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

You will be eating lean means, vegetables, and fruits.  The meat will give you protein and iron, and the vegetables and fruits will provide potassium, dietary fiber, and folic acid.  If you’re concerned about where you’ll get your calcium from – just eat more calcium rich veggies, fruits, and nuts – leafy greens, oranges, and almonds.

One thing I definitely noticed was my increased energy.  I didn’t feel bogged down.  You’re eating more foods with low glycemic indices.  “Good” sugars are absorbed more slowly.  Another thing was my skin.  I looked healthy and had that glow.  If you experience skin problems, Paleo will eventually clear them up.

“Good things come to those who believe.  Better things come to those who are patient.  And the best things come to those who don’t give up.”

Problems with the Standard American Diet

The way we eat is leaving us feeling unhealthy, unhappy, and out of shape.  Why?

Most of the meals we eat are processed and include bread, grains, or pasta.  Grains make up a big portion of the food pyramid.  Once you start researching and delving into Paleo, you’ll learn that grains are one of the biggest culprits.  They are proven to mess up your gut.  They cause a lot of digestive problems and inflammation in many Americans.

Many people focus too much on counting calories.  With Paleo, calories don’t count.  Americans who count calories consume low-calorie, over processed foods with very little – if any – nutritional value.  This does not lead to a healthy lifestyle.

The average American consumes about 20 teaspoons of sugar per day – more than double the recommended amount.  High sugar consumption leads to weight gain, but also hormonal and chemical changes.  Why would you want to do that to yourself?

It may seem like Paleo is pretty mundane and super restrictive, but it’s not.  There’s a lot of ways to get different flavors in – and I promise, you won’t even miss your favorite meal (you’ll just have to come up with a new, better way to make it!).  I dedicated a lot of time looking up Paleo versions of recipes of food that I loved before I was Paleo.  I’ll share some of those recipes with you in upcoming posts.

When you adopt the Paleo lifestyle, you get to taste new foods that may have been unfamiliar to you, you gain a greater appreciation for food, and you see the benefits of Paleo and the way it affects your body.

“If you keep going, you won’t regret it.  If you give up, you will.”

Stick to 30 Days!

When I first started my Paleo journey in 2013, it wasn’t as popular as it is now.  I researched everything I could.  I bought every book I could find.  Food shopping would take me hours – I was learning new foods and I was reading every single label!  Now, food shopping is much easier, plus, most of the food is fresh.  I was lucky enough to have someone in my life who gave me a lot of advice and guidance – Dr. Noah.  I have learned so much along the way.  Dr. Noah has a podcast on iTunes – you should all go SUBSCRIBE – Beyond Your Wildest Genes.

Transitioning to Paleo can be difficult.  You need to have support and the right tools.  I spent 30 days focusing on Paleo – learning, adapting, and starting to love it.  You should never deprive yourself, and there are ways to do everything Paleo-style, I promise.

Paleo refers to the way our ancestors used to eat in the Paleolithic era.  The modern American diet is our worst enemy (but of course, this differs from person to person).  You need to be eating whole, clean foods!  No more GMO, processed, junk food.  The whole foods have nutrients that our bodies need.  Paleo is a lifestyle, not a fad diet – so if you adapt and you stick to it – it works!  With Paleo you have to ditch grains, legumes, diary, sugar, and gluten – but in the end, it’s worth it.  I never missed any of it.

I recommend sticking to a 30 day diet strictly – and then modifying it to fit your lifestyle.  If you’re feeling good, you shouldn’t change a thing…but we are all wired differently.

“Just stick with it.  What seems hard now, will one day be your warm up.”

Back to the Basics

What is it that you’re looking for?  Weight loss, health improvements, or a happier lifestyle?  If you make sacrifices and you make Paleo part of your everyday life from here on out, you can accomplish these goals.  You need a simple plan to help get you started!  It takes 30 days.  If you follow the plan precisely – you’ll get what you want out of it.

In 2013, I discovered Paleo.  I was overweight, stressed out, and very unhappy…something needed to change.  Paleo itself changed me – mind, body, and soul – but spending the time to learn and evolve helped me even more.  I turned 30 in 2013 and I knew that then was the time.  I was dedicated.  I was so dedicated that I didn’t go out to eat or have any drinks for 30 days.  I stuck to the plan and I got results.  Over the course of a couple months I lost 43 lbs. and I wasn’t depriving myself of anything.  My palette changed and I ended up really enjoying the foods.  I felt good – I felt healthy.

Without the right tools, Paleo can be a daunting task.  The more you know the less intimidating it is.  Once you understand the principles behind Paleo and how you can apply them in your life and you will start your journey towards a healthy, balanced lifestyle.  Your transition to Paleo will be simplified.

“I’m starting over.  A new pattern of thoughts.  A new wave of emotions.
A new connection to the world.  A new belief system in myself.”