
Here Comes 20-14

I’m sorry for my absence from blogging, but Christmas was a bit busy for me.  Hope everyone enjoyed theirs!  I kept mine pretty Paleo and clean, minus eating too many Paleo cookies and a gluten free cupcake that was purchased for me.  Other than that, I stuck true to eating clean and still feel great.  I haven’t fallen off or anything, so I’m pretty stoked about doing this 30 days of strict Paleo, plus working out.

I’ve been recruiting people (mostly friends) for my 30-day Paleo plan starting January 1, 2014.  It’s just a coincidence that it’s January 1st; not starting that day as a “resolution”.  January 1st just happened to be the next first of a month.  While this may be one of thebetter times to “start something new”, I think the idea of a New Year’s Resolution, sets us up for disaster.  We make “resolutions” to motivate ourselves, so for a whole year we tend to procrastinate.  Some of us aren’t ready to make the changes we resolve to do, so that’s why most people end up failing or achieving the goal of their resolution!  So before you go thinking that this will be impossible to do…just give it a week.  One week is all you will need to feel the difference.  I will be adding in a workout regimen, but it is not necessary that you work out (crazy, right?).  This is all about becoming a new, healthier you.  After you start feeling better…then you can make your resolutions.

I actually wanted to touch on the connection between Paleo and working out.  Working out will be a big part of my 30 days (I’ve neglected the gym since I started Paleo).  The Paleo diet has to be altered slightly, depending on your activity levels.  After a conversation this weekend, with a friend who spends a lot of time in the gym and wants to go Paleo, led to many questions and not so many answers.  I never really looked into it.  The only thing I knew was eating lean proteins almost immediately after a workout.  I couldn’t tell you why, just that I read that somewhere.  So here it goes…

If, for any reason, you are one of those cardio maniacs at the gym…I regret to inform you, that is no longer how it will be (if you decide to go Paleo).  You will trade the cardio in for brief and intense strength training.  Upon doing some research, I found that the “chronic cardio” keeps you in a constant fight or flight mode, which will increase cortisol levels, inflammation, and damage to your cells.  Plus, the high-carb diet required to sustain the “chronic cardio” harms your body in the long term by raising your insulin levels.  Working out should never feel like a pain staking chore.  You should want to workout to feel better and support overall health.  Make sure you get your rest in, as well.  Make sure your workouts are energetic and not leaving you exhausted and sore.  A workout schedule while eating Paleo is definitely flexible, so find what works for you.  The workout for a Paleo lifestyle is based on natural movement.  They say to not use machine based equipment, such as a treadmill, but rather, go outside and go for a hike.  If you do high intensity workouts, make sure you’re leaving plenty of time for your muscles to recover.  But remember, your rest days shouldn’t be spent on the couch watching TV…slow movement should be incorporated on these days.  Perhaps you can walk on a treadmill for a few minutes, or go outside for a walk. had a good article on post workout Paleo meals.  If you’re working out and eating clean, you should definitely check it out here.  I think it’s important for anyone who works out, especially for those of you who have intense workouts and who eat clean, to make sure that you get the right nutrients.  I do a lot of research on things such as this to make sure I achieve the maximum benefits of eating clean.  When I start this 30 Day Plan, I want to make sure I supply as much information as I can for anyone who is willing to listen.  I will be working out more during this 30 days, so it was imperative I did this research.  Here’s another good link for “A Quick Guide to the Paleo Diet for Athletes“.  At the end of these 30 days I’ll write about more of my observations and personal experiences.  If you want to be included in the 30 Day Plan, contact me or twitter @paleyoblog.

Challenge yourself.  You’ll be surprised.

“Don’t change because a New Year is coming up, but change for your own personal growth. No matter what resolutions you make, they start with you.”

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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.