
Cheers to a New You!

Hey there!

Hope everyone is leaping into the new year with inspiration and determination!

I started another 30 day plan today…so far, so good.  Crustless quiche with bacon for breakfast, and then some mustard glazed chicken thighs with a salad for lunch.  Yum.  I forgot how much fun it was to discover new foods.  It’s going to snow pretty bad, so I may be able to get a few meals prepped over the next two days.  In the meantime, I’m hoping that a few people in the Facebook group I created can get motivated and can get excited about trying this 30 day plan with me.  I’m no expert, and I’m not trying to be.  It just so happens that I tried something that worked for me, and I want people to know that if I pulled it off, anyone can.  I want to offer information about my personal endeavors…failures and successes.  I feel great, and I just want everyone else to feel great.  I managed to drop 32 lbs. in my 30th year…so going into my 31st, I’m aiming to lose some more.  I want to see more of a transformation from the gym by the end of the 30 days as one of my short term goals.  I’ll most likely take a picture at the beginning and end of every week, see how I’m progressing.

Anyone else doing a 30 day challenge?  Let me know how it’s going for you!

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”

-Hannah More-

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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.