
About Us


deanaI’m a 39 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better. All factors considered; healthy diet, exercise, stress free, and happy, not to mention, more rested.

I keep this blog to remind myself of how I got here, and to hopefully help out others. If one person reads this and is inspired to be the best they can be, then I feel accomplished.

I do a lot of research and I deliver what I find. I may not always be right, but I try to sort out all of the information to the best of my ability.

Keep your head up, lift heavy, eat your vegetables, and stay inspired.

“It’s about the journey, not the destination.”

Dr. Noah

profileDr. Noah is a lifelong Chiropractic patient and Paleo Lifestyle enthusiast. At a very early age Dr. Noah suffered from chronic strep throat and earaches. His health was restored from specific Chiropractic adjusting. Dr. Noah graduated in December 2000 from Life University. He is a member of the ANJC since its inception, an avid runner, a Toastmaster, a Rotarian, Board Member of the Ahern Scholarship Foundation, SHINE Doctor, and co-founder of EPOC NJ. He has been married to his beautiful wife Kerri for 12 years and has two incredible children. Dr. Noah can be reached at 201-437-0033, on Facebook, at my Blog, at my app in the IPhone app store, or at


“The greatest gift you can give to anyone is speaking and sharing your story.”