
Easy Basic Paleo Sauerkraut Recipe


  1. Quart  mason jar
  2. Sharp Knife
  3. Mixing Bowl
  4. Cutting Board


  1. 2 Pounds Cabbage (Green or Red)
  2. 4 Teaspoons Sea Salt


Remove all outer leaves from cabbage and then measure out the 2 lbs. Cut in half then in half again resulting in 4 pieces.  Remove a little bit of the core from each piece and you are ready to slice.  It is your preference, coarse or fine, up to you just make sure it is all uniform.  You can also use a food processor with a “slice” wheel to shred your cabbage as well. Put in all in a mixing bowl and add the salt.  With clean hands firmly massage the salt/cabbage mixture to release the liquid from the cabbage.  This can take up ten minutes.  Pack this mixture into your jar pushing and squishing it in as hard as you can using any implement.  The objective is to have the liquid rise above the cabbage and leave at least 1 inch of space between the top of the cabbage and the mouth of the jar. Put the lid on and place in a cool dark place or on the top of your counter as long as it is out of direct sunlight. Check every day or two with a clean fork and push down to make sure the water level is above the cabbage.  7 to 10 days should be enough but its ready when the taste suits you. It could take longer depending on the temperature. Place in the fridge and enjoy!

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Dr. Noah is a lifelong Chiropractic patient and Paleo Lifestyle enthusiast. At a very early age Dr. Noah suffered from chronic strep throat and earaches. His health was restored from specific Chiropractic adjusting. Dr. Noah graduated in December 2000 from Life University. He is a member of the ANJC since its inception, an avid runner, a Toastmaster, a Rotarian, Board Member of the Ahern Scholarship Foundation, SHINE Doctor, and co-founder of EPOC NJ. He has been married to his beautiful wife Kerri for 12 years and has two incredible children. Dr. Noah can be reached at 201-437-0033, on Facebook, at my Blog, at my app in the IPhone app store, or at