This is getting easier by the day! I must say, I am pleasantly surprised.
I made buffalo chicken “pasta” for dinner last night. It came out better than I expected. I had some extra Paleo friendly buffalo sauce that I had made for another meal, so I used that. I had some today for breakfast. Paleo breakfasts are much more filling than what I used to have, between the bagels and cereal…neither of which I miss.
Been reading a lot of Paleo articles online; comparing conflicting opinions about certain things. Also learning the difference between Paleo and Primal. Some articles about “why Paleo is bad” are rather comical. Obviously, you can’t believe everything you read online. I noticed with this lifestyle, you just have to figure out what formula works best for you and go with it. Use other people’s observations and advice as guidance. Give it at least 30 days to see how you really feel…I promise it won’t take that long to feel the difference.
I drink coffee, but I don’t actually enjoy coffee. I work a 3am-11am shift at work, and with it, brings many challenges as far as sleep and diet go. I need coffee to get through most mornings. At the beginning of this huge change in my life, I was drinking one cup of coffee with no sugar and heavy cream, or coconut milk. Now, I sometimes enjoy a pumpkin coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts…cream, no sugar. I’m well aware that there’s probably so much sugar in the pumpkin flavored syrup they use, but it hasn’t affected the way I feel, and I don’t drink it everyday. If your worried about the sugar, you can ask for less syrup. I also read in a lot of places that you can enjoy a little bit of sugar in your allowed, one coffee, a day. Like I said, your way of living needs to work for you. If you find that the little bit of extra sugar in your coffee in the morning isn’t making you feel good, then you probably don’t need it.
So as I was saying, I work an early shift; this causes my sleeping and eating habits to be a little bit out of whack. Before I started living Paleo, I would eat so many useless carbs when I got to work. After an hour or two, my body would just crash and I would be starving! This all led to overeating and comfort foods. I started working here in 2007, and since that time I gained a good 40lbs. (…and since I started Paleo, I lost 21lbs. so far!) I always felt so drained, and when I got home I would just lay around. Now I’m happy to say that I feel better now at 30, than I did when I started working here…and I was 24 years young!
Yesterday, I decided to take out my tape measure and take some measurements. Back in January, I took measurements because I decided to dedicate my life to the gym (which didn’t produce anything close to the results I see with Paleo). Yesterday, my measurements were INCHES smaller than back in January. I’m talking 4-6 inches in some places! I don’t know if I said it before, but take pictures! Take one everyday, full body…if not everyday, at least once a week. One of my friends actually told me to wear an outfit…then in a few weeks, take a picture in the same outfit. I am so proud of myself, and so lucky to have the support that I do have.
“If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way.
If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”
time to post the pictures
even Robb Wolfe states that the term Paleo isnt the greatest way to describe the “diet” and acknowledges that Primal may be a better way to describe it
i look at it this way – Paleo – no grains, dairy, and legumes – Primal includes raw grass feed dairy and trends alittle more onthe Westin Price style of eating…
I have to figure out HOW to post the pictures before I can ACTUALLY post them. haha Yeah, thanks for your insight. Still trying to figure it all out. So what did you think of green beans…more pod, then bean? 🙂 I’ll look more into Primal, too. Thanks Dr. Noah!