
Getting Healthy

I ordered a new Paleo book!  It’s a meal plan for 4 weeks, with only 5 ingredients.  It makes paleo easy, and the ingredients aren’t boring!  I can’t remember the title of the book, but I’ll post it as soon as I remember.

Still doing my 25 squats daily, but now I added in 25 sit ups.

I also ordered Flat Tummy Tea.  I figured it’d be a good little addition to add some detox tea to my regimen.  We’ll see how it goes.  If you tried it before, let me know what you thought!

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”

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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.