
Stop Waiting and Make Things Happen

I know all too well, that this is easier said than done.

I generally find starting hard because I’m afraid of something – change, mostly.  What I needed to do was accept the fear and then use it as motivation.  I guess I just wait for the fear to go away, or at least I think it will go away – I use that as procrastination, because it never goes away.  Acknowledge the fear and move forward!  Sometimes I think about the fact that I haven’t started because of fear.  Then I ask myself – what was the fear anyway?  Most of the time I can be reasonable with myself and say, ‘Oh, that’s nonsense.’  But there are times where it triggers my anxiety.  What I am trying to say is that, even if I feel anxious about something, it won’t change the outcome, it especially won’t change anything that’s already happened.

The next thing I try to tell myself is – baby steps.  You don’t need to dive in headfirst.  Just walk in – one step at a time.

Another thing I do before thinking about or starting something new is clean and organize.  Sometimes if there’s clutter around me, my mind feels cluttered.  So if I can organize the space around me, then sometimes I get the clarity I need.

Also, you need to start in the moment you are in.  You can’t worry about tomorrow, or yesterday, or 2 years from now.  You need to focus on the present time.  Don’t worry about thinking you’ll be better tomorrow, or next week you’ll get it done, just take this moment and do it.

Lastly, just give yourself permission.

“Start where you are.  Use what you have. Do what you can.”

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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.